3 artworks 'Linen Industry' , 'Damask' and 'Reinventing Linen' in Exhibitions 'Walls and Border' and 'Big Small" Curated by Fion Gunn: 3 artworks recrafted in 2013 into revised forms utilising components of Reinventing Linen (2010) with new vintage Irish linen for installation in new format in group exhibitions ‘Walls and Borders’ NuoArt Gallery & 3C Creative Mall 798, Beijing and "Legacy' Shanghai University Gallery 2013

Karen Fleming (Artist), Duncan Neil (Other)

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


Curated by Fion Gunn. Fleming 3 artworks recrafted utilising components of Reinventing Linen (2010) with new vintage Irish linen for installation in revised format in group exhibition ‘Walls and Borders’ NuoArt Gallery & 3C Creative Mall in 798, Beijing 2013.•‘Linen Industry’ – layered printing, printed pleated and embroidered vintage linen (printing by Duncan Neil, technical support Ulster University) Poem by Michael Longley used with permission (This artefact had a further installation in 2014 at Cork City Hall Gallery)•‘Damask’ layered printed, flocked and embroidered vintage linen and household linens lace. (Printing by Duncan Neil, technical support Ulster University) •‘Reinventing Linen’ layered printed and embroidered vintage linen and household linens lace. (Technical Support and printing by Duncan Neil, technical support Ulster University)
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationChina
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 17 Mar 2013


  • textile art
  • china


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