Online Learning and Teaching: benefits and challenges

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


London Metropolitan University provides a focus on on-line learning technologies within its learning and teaching strategy (London Metropolitan, 2003). Over the past several years there has a move towards a dedicated learning technologies strategy. Subject areas within the university are in the process of exploring with web-provision and moving to computer-aided assessment so as to offer greater levels of information technologies and communication tools. This review concerns the article by Bennett (2002) and its relevance and implications for the on-line teaching and learning of the sport management subject area. The main ideas investigated in Bennett’s (2002) study focus on a comparison of the learning experiences between on-line/distance learners and their on-campus colleagues. The article reviews the researched advantages and disadvantages of on-line learning, and the contrasting research claiming similar benefits. The review essentially focuses on whether learning is equal to, or increased, through the provision of a class through the virtual environment. A case study method involving questionnaires of participants, student assessment results, and an instructor’s log were the data collection tools for the research. To maximise the validity of the research all course related information and content was held constant across both delivery methods. Thus the only difference was the delivery of the ‘live’ or traditional lecture. The course was developed according to the (social) constructivist model of learning hence placing an importance on interaction between staff and students as well as the students themselves (peers).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)98-99
JournalInvestigations in University Teaching and Learning
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Sept 2005


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